Better health starts from the ground up.

Reimagine your backyard’s potential and its role in transforming your health.

Discover the hidden power in your own soil.

Whether you have a yard, a small green space, balcony, or houseplants — composting your food scraps and yard waste cuts down on landfill refuse, helps build soil health and diversity, and best of all — your own health and immune resilience.

Every 1% increase in soil organic matter helps soil hold 20,000 gallons more water per acre. More water holding capacity means plants are more resilient through times of drought or heavy rain. And by maintaining surface residues, roots, and soil structure with better aggregation and pores, soil organic matter reduces nutrient runoff and erosion. The healthier the soil, the healthier the plants.

Healthy soil is dark, rich, and overflowing with life — trillions of microorganisms, working together in a complex biological ecosystem, surrounded by carbon, fungi, good bacteria, minerals, and nutrients. All living things on this earth are carbon based. The more bioavailable carbon there is, the better our food will grow, and the more nutrient-dense and nourishing it will be. When plants have the nutrients and roots systems they need to thrive, they build compounds to help protect against insects and disease.

It’s easy to lose sight of soil’s latent and incredibly life-giving potential in today’s complicated world — especially when it comes to your own backyard.


I provide simple regenerative gardening techniques that you can use to transform the very earth around your home into a thriving ecosystem for plants, micro-organisms, insects, and animals.

I practice regenerative gardening in my own backyard. Through composting and continuously building soil health above all other garden priorities, I was able to transform lifeless dirt into living soil.

Add even more life to your yard— and to your family.


If you have the space, chickens or other animals may be a fun addition, but simply including native plants in your yard will invite native insects, birds and other animals and benefit the ecosystem in the same way.

One of the many issues with modern food production is the separation of animals from crops. When animals and crops are able to participate in the same natural cycle, both benefit tremendously — more resilience, more nutrient density, better health, and more happiness. Regenerative agriculture emphasizes working with nature instead of controlling it. When the soil is healthy, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides are not needed.

I chose to add chickens to accelerate healthy soil building. Eggs are a whole, nutrient packed, bio-available food, and when the chicken is allowed to forage for greens and insects and isn't fed conventional grains, the yolk of the eggs is more orange than yellow and has even more health benefits when consumed. When animals are brought back to the land, instead of being confined in concentrated spaces, they are able to participate in the soil building cycle. They benefit from the many thriving insects and plants and in turn, the soil is able to benefit from the chicken manure. This greatly builds its nutrient stores, becoming a more resilient system that is able to withstand weather and disease stressors, without any synthetic fertilizer inputs or insecticides.

Build your health through soil.

Interested in more houseplants, a small green space, or a thriving garden? Let’s get started together.